Happy Día – El Día de los niños/El Día de los libros, Children’s Day/Book Day! We’re big Día fans and work with our client Pat Mora to promote it throughout the year. This year we celebrated with Díapalooza on Pat’s Bookjoy blog – check it out here!
We just happen to be in Santa Fe today, working with Pat, and it’s cold but as beautiful as ever. It just started snowing as I wrote that sentence – looks like another great day for reading!
I just finished the galley of Will Grayson, Will Grayson, written by John Green and David Levithan. I’ve enjoyed both of their past books, so it was fun to read this joint effort – and I think this truly is a story that’s never been told before. I’ve read just about every YA book with a gay character, but this is the first time I’ve read about a gay boy who is best friends with a straight boy. At the heart of the book is the friendship between Will Grayson (#1) and Tiny Cooper. Tiny is waaaaay out there, and Will’s been friends with him since third grade. Then the two meet Will Grayson #2 – he’s also gay, and Tiny falls for him while Will #1 loses his heart to Jane. Wrapped around this core is the everyday life of teens – high school, relationships, parents and friendships – and I enjoyed watching the two friends navigate it all together.