The I-Can’t-Find-a-Good-Book-to-Read Cure

When I was about 11 or so, I used to read the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books out loud to my two sisters, and we just could not believe how magic and clever she was. (Our favorite problem child was the girl who would not take a bath, and in short order Mrs. P-W had vegetables growing out of her ears).

Apparently Betty MacDonald’s daughter Anne, found a never-before-published Mrs. P-W story and so voila! – the forthcoming Happy Birthday, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle!, which includes the “found” story and 7 others. I’m happy to report that it’s quite lovely – the children are as misbehaving as ever and the parents are forced to turn to Mrs. P-W for advice, resulting in the Won’t-Brush-Teeth Cure, the Picky-Eater Cure and the Never-Finish Cure. I think I need to send a copy to each of my sisters, who have 6 children between them.

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